Thursday, June 13, 2013

Pounding the Pavement

This post in not fashion related, kinda like the last one. However, I still want to post this because it is about music and music is art and so is fashion. So, there is a little bit of over lap! =P

I don't know if you are like me but I love listening to music while I walk around the city (which honestly is not that safe, my dad would not be pleased.)  or just in general. So for my lovely readers, however few, I created a playlist for the Summer. I know, I don't have the best taste in music (so I have been told. Whatever) but I do like music and I listen to what makes me happy most of the time. So I hope the songs I post below make you happy as well! 

1. "Young and Beautiful" - Lana DelRay

I know, I have already posted this on my blog a few posts back, but I really love it. I haven't even gotten sick of yet and although it kinda had a melancholy feel I just cant help but enjoy myself when I listen to it! 

2. " Don't Stop Believing" - Journey

An oldie but goodie. This song has been like anthem in my life, however dramatic that may sound. I don't know, if my life is ever a movie this has to be the background music in the part where I am over coming obstacles and achieving great success and happiness. Not that my life has been particularly challenging nor have I been very sad for long amounts of times. Anyway, I think you get the picture.

3. "Diane Young" - Vampire Weekend

This song is so fun! I think perfect for summer and running around doing what ever normal people do during the Summer. I love this song when I am on the Subway and it is so crowded there would be more room in a sardine tin. It is the perfect distraction from smelling the homeless person that is at the other end of the car. 

4. "I Love It" - Icona Pop

Truly, not my favorite song. However, I do know it is popular for the summer and a bunch of my friends have been talking about it. So i just figured it would be nice to add it to the list since you make like it! 

5. "Run Around" - Blues Traveler

Another song that I love! It is so happy and I cannot get enough of it and I felt that way for some time now. I love most Blues Traveler songs. I honestly have not come across a song of theres that I don't like. A big part of that, I believe comes from their use of the harmonica. I love that instrument. It has such a joyous sound. 

6. "Radioactive" - Imagine Dragons

Not a particularly  happy song but a particularly good song in my opinion and still great for summer. I think it would be great to listen to during a kick ass workout! 

I hope you enjoyed this post! What are your top picks for music for the Summer? Be sure to comment below. 

1 comment:

  1. I like listening to the music while walking too and also during I take the sun on the beach! i love the ICONA POP song!!
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    kisses <3
