Friday, June 7, 2013

Half Way Point...

So we are about half way through the year and I was just reviewing the my goals for the year. So far so good.

First of all I have increased my number of followers not only buy 100% but by 1200% at 24 followers between GFC and Bloglovin and not including Google+! Which is cool. I am really excited about that. My new goal for the rest of the year is to have more followers than blog posts. So please follow it would mean so much.

Secondly I made the Deans List for the fourth semester in a row. Not to toot my own horn but I do work very hard at school so these victories make me so happy. I have one more semester for this year Fall 2013 and my new goal is to makes Deans List again for that semester. 

Another goal of mine was to make connections and I have made some connections in the past 6 months. Until, you put yourself put there you have no idea how many people around you can help you out and want to help you too! For instance, my wonderful cousin was willing and able to put a good word in for me for the internship I have now. I also go to a monthly meeting for Christians in the fashion industry. Through this monthly meeting I have meet many great people there who work at companies I would love to work at some day.

I personally think  my time management has improved. However, I could just be biased. LOL

I still have a few things that I need work on this year, but thats ok. I still have plenty of time. I still need to be more giving with my time. It is much easier said than done. 
As for travel, unfortunately the trip I was planning to Australia is not going to happen. =( But, it's totally fine because I am saving lots of money. I am able to spend more and explore the city. Also, if I was traveling this Summer I would not have this internship opportunity! So everything works out for a reason.
Also, I think my personal style had matured but at the same time not really. So I will keep working on that. I also think that is something you work on your whole life. 

So yeah. This has been the most effective I have been in accomplishing New Years Resolutions/Goals.

I hope you all are getting done what you wanted to accomplish! If not, don't worry there are still 6 months to go!!

Is this not the craziest sunset you have ever seen? Stunning! 

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