More photos for you all and little update on my life in general.
First of all, I have failed to mention that my full time Summer internship has turned into a part time job for the Fall! I am vey excited and proud that my long hours and hard work resulted in a job offer for the Fall. A real life example that hard word always pays off.
They are being so flexible and understanding with my school schedule. I am really thankful for that.
It is looking like I will have another busy fall semester ahead but being busy is good. It make me feel more like a real adult, compared the pretend one that I am.
I also finally received my Associates Degree from FIT a few weeks ago. Something I am really proud of. I graduated Magna Cum Lade just to toot my own horn a bit. I should have known it that was the case, since I have done well very well in school but it was a lovely surprise to see it on my diploma. Hopefully, it will say the same on my Bachelors degree. =)
Two more years to go.
There is also less than a month of summer to go, it flew by! Meaning that my Fall semester starts one month from today.
The Empire State Building on the 4th. I watched fireworks from friends apartment that night. He has the most amazing view of the Empire State Building. It is so close it feels like it is in the living room with you.
I also haven't told you Hoda Kotb (a host from the Today Show) and I are besties. Just kidding! I saw her on the street the other day running errands for work and asked her for a photo. She was so nice and friendly and really tall.
On the very same day I saw Mr. Jay (the man in the pink suit if you had no idea) from America's Next Top Model. I just snuck his photo like a creep because for what ever reason I was too intimidated to ask him for a photo. I kind of feel as if this will be one of my life's greatest regrets, but thats not so bad.
I also saw Tommy Hilfiger near the office last Friday. He was on the phone, and seemed very busy. I figured I that I was better of just keeping the image of him in my mind instead of being a creep and possibly maybe ruining a chance I may never have to work with him. I play it safe. LOL
My Sisters, my mom and I went to thee most beautiful country wedding on July 13th which was also my youngest sisters 16th birthday. She caught the boquet which my Mother was not thrilled about (lol), but they didn't do the whole guarder good luck thing so my mom was relived about that!
The beautiful couple got married under this beautiful arch, made by the brides brother. So sweet, and I feel lucky to have watched such good people start the rest of their lives together.
Sorry for the poor quality of this photo, but I still think it is great non the less.
And lastly just a few nights ago as I was racing the impending rain home. I made it just in time!