Sunday, March 31, 2013

Going Global!

Ha! Kinda sorta not really....
Soo according to my "Blogger Dashboard" I have viewers in Germany, Australia, Russia, The U.K., Indonesia, France, Sweden, Ukraine, Cyprus, Egypt and of course the U.S. I would love for those who view this post to comment below where you are from and if feel so inclined follow away! If you contribute to a blog of your own leave the link in the comment and I will be sure to check it out! 

This is a  photo of my cat Raymond. I  took the photo myself over my crazy wild spring break  =) . He has nothing to do with the post other than me wanting a photo in the post. But now that I think about it people love cats all over the world which this post is about and on top of that the internet loves cats. So I guess it kinda fits? 


  1. hello dear, I am following your blog if you can follow my

    1. Just checked out your blog and I am following! it is lovely!

  2. Precious. Your blog is so fabulous, as are you!
    If you get a second, give me your thoughts on my latest post! I l'd love to hear from you!

  3. I'm a new blogger from the U.K. Love your blog and your cat! :)

    If you want to check mine out aswell its
    Thankyou xoxo
