Thursday, April 18, 2013

Liebster Award!

Thank you Anika Maram from Reddy Set Beauty for nominating me for this award! How fun! I feel pretty excited that someone thinks that my blog is worthy of some kind of recognition! I looked up what exactly a "Liebster Award" is and it is granted to blogs who have under 200 followers by fellow bloggers who feel like they deserve some type of recognition and to encourage them to keep on keeping on.
I feel like it more of a tag similar to what one would see on YouTube, but I am still honored and excited! So Thanks again Anika!! So Much!

The Rules are as Follows:

  • Thank the Liebster Blog assigned you the award
  • Write 11 random facts about you
  • Answer 11 questions from the person who nominated you
  •  Pass the award onto 11 other blogs
  • Ask them 11 new questions
  •  Let them know they have been chosen by leaving a comment at their blog.

11 Random Facts About ME:
  1. I am left handed.
  2. My favorite condiment is mustard, I honestly could eat it with a spoon but don't because I feel like that is just taking it too far.
  3. I love sharing meals with people.
  4. I was born 7.5 weeks premature.
  5. My first concert was the High School  Musical Concert. (So lame I know)
  6. My newest, favorite music genre is Motown.
  7. I was kinda jock in high school. 
  8. I love to dace, when I am alone in my dorm room I dace a lot. 
  9. I have been to 3 countries aside from the one I live in. They are Costa Rica, Canada and Australia.
  10. I prefer super large 100+lb monster dogs over little lap dogs anyway. The little ones freak me out.
  11. I am not good at cooking at all, but I love to eat good food. So I hope I end up with someone who likes to and can cook. So I can eat good food and not burt grilled cheese for the rest of my life. 
11 Questions from Anika:

  1. Who is your fashion icon?  I suppose I would have to say my fellow fashion bloggers. However, I really look up to Daphne Guinness. She pulls of looks that I could never pull of but I just really admire her style and clothing collection.
  2. If you could style for any celebrity who would it be? Emma Stone! 
  3. Describe your personal style in one word. Evolving 
  4. What is your favorite post on your blog? At the moment it is The Weekend. Not really fashion related but!, It was a super fun day and I think it is the best writing I have ever wrote. 
  5. What is your favorite fashion blog? The Rockstar Diaries. This blog is more of a lifestyle blog than a fashion blog, but I love the way this woman dresses herself and her little family. 
  6. What is your favorite accessory? I love bold earrings. They are my go to accessory.
  7. What is your biggest dream? As of today my biggest dream to one day have a bridal salon of my own. 
  8. How do I plan on getting there? I plan on using ever resource FIT has for me. Along with a lot of blood sweat and tears. 
  9. Harem pants. Yes or No? It all depends how low the crotch is.
  10. Where is you favorite place to shop? I love shopping thrift shops and second hand stores. But if I am not sifting through the racks at Buffalo Exchange you can find me at H&M of Forever2.
  11. Why a fashion blog? Because I clearly love fashion and I have opinions thoughts and ideas that I want to share with people. 
My 11 new questions for the blogs I nominate:

  1.  What inspired you to start a blog?
  2. If you could live anywhere on earth where would it be?
  3. Where do you see your blog a year from now?
  4. What is your favorite part of blogging?
  5. What was the last thing you bought in relation to fashion?
  6. Coffe or tea?
  7. What is one trend you hope never goes out of style?
  8. What trend are you sad about that went our of style?
  9. If you could wear one item of clothing everyday for the rest of your life and be both comfortable and fashionable, what would it be?
  10. Gold or silver?
  11. What is the best book that you have read recently?
The 11 Blogs that I nominate:

I had so much fun doing this!